Sophia Njiru

Gender and the reintegration challenges that face women migrant worker returnees

Kenya lacks return and reintegration programmes for returnees and therefore many workers return with less preparedness. For those who are forced to return without enough savings, the lack of reintegration support from the government means they return to face the same economic precarity before their migration.

Gender and the reintegration challenges that face women migrant worker returnees Read More »

My employer abandoned me outside the consulate when I needed medical care

Alice* is a single mother of two. She migrated to Lebanon as a domestic worker in 2019 after a relative approached and introduced her to a recruitment agency which promised a job in Lebanon. It was the first time going out of the country but even with the lack of experience, she was excited to take the risk as she was the breadwinner in her family and lacked employment.

My employer abandoned me outside the consulate when I needed medical care Read More »