Our supporters are experts in their fields who are offering guidance and advice

to the Send Us Home Kenya mission and vision.

Dr Willy Mutunga

The Honorable Dr. Willy Mutunga was Kenya’s Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court from 2011 to 2016. In the second half of 2016 he served as Secretary General of the Commonwealth special envoy to the Maldives, and was a distinguished scholar-in-residence at Fordham Law’s Leitner Center for international Law and Justice School from October 2016-May 2017. In October-December, 2019 he was one of the two foreign experts who advised the Constitution Review Commission of The Gambia on their Draft Constitution. He has advocated for a progressive jurisprudence for Africa and the global south as part of the significant contribution in the struggle for a new just, peaceful, and equitable world.